Focus & Goals

Oriental Theological Seminary exists to develop Christian ministry leaders who can influence culture with an integral biblical worldview. Our intent is to train men and women to be more effective witnesses to Jesus Christ and to encourage development of the skills that are necessary for ministry in today’s world. We are committed to training future pastors, missionaries, educators, youth workers, ministers to children, administrators, social activists, and community workers.


The academic curriculum at OTS is designed not only for academic quality but to nurture the call and commitment of all the students and to equip them to serve effectively and relevantly in an ever-changing world. Beyond the campus pedagogy a key component of education at OTS takes place outside the classroom. The practical ministry and internship programs contribute immeasurably towards holistic development of the students, equipping them with rich empirical experiences to minister to people of all ages and backgrounds.


The goal of academic excellence is perceived to be a Christian responsibility at OTS. OTS is firmly committed to admitting only the best, who will effectively and meaningfully communicate the gospel to an ever changing and complex world. This is nowhere more visible than in our teacher/students ratio. At OTS we believe in quality and not in quantity.


Besides academic excellence, spiritual growth is as essential for a theological student as is academic development and practical experience. For this reason OTS takes a deep interest in the life of all the students to see that they are guided to their highest ability in exercising their spiritual gifts for the benefit of the community. Chapel services are conducted twice weekly for personal enrichment and as a ministry committed to the rest of the seminary community. There are also opportunities for small group work, spiritual direction and mentoring, and discipleship. These are some of the ways in which OTS nurtures the spiritual growth of our students.

© 2023, Oriental Theological Seminary