Admission Policies

Oriental Theological Seminary admits qualified men and women of any Christian denomination, race, color, ethnic origin, and nationality. As a Christian educational institution, the seminary is redemptive, but not rehabilitative in nature. The decision to admit a student rests with the Admissions Committee. Admission to any of the program is based on the following considerations:

Christian Character

As evidenced by membership and active participation in the life of a church, recommendation by Christian leaders, and compatibility with the stated purposes of the Seminary.

Commitment to Ministry

As evidenced by an endorsement from a congregation or church governing body and a personal statement of call to ministry and vocational goals.

Academic Preparation

As evidenced by a command of the English language demonstrated in the admission essays and in the written test and by possession of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.


No student is admitted to OTS without a formal interview which consists of both written and oral exam.


Candidates for admission are urged to make application on or before the Priority Date. Processing an application consists of furnishing a completed application file as specified below: “Admission Procedures.” Application files completed after the Priority Date will be considered a normal procedure, and admission granted as space permits.

Special Students

Special student status is a restricted category of admission. An applicant whose baccalaureate degree is from an unaccredited institution or whose undergraduate grade is unsatisfactory, but otherwise is approved for admission, may be admitted provisionally (if the candidate so wishes) as a special student. After demonstrating the capacity to do graduate level studies satisfactorily (at least C+ grade) based on three quarters of full-time study, the provisional status will be removed and the student granted unconditional status in his/her degree program. If the student fails to demonstrate his/her ability during the provisional period he/she will be given a one-year theological studies certificate and discontinue further studies at the seminary.

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